Even though our services cover different customer’s areas, we consider, as a consequence of the Covid-19, for middle size companies the lack of liquidity will threaten its existence. For the above a good treasury management (liquid assets) will be an essential survival element.
The financial restructuring is a main goal. Several companies will end the pandemic crisis with a higher debt and lower reserves. These circumstances will change their investment plans and delay their recovery.
As a result, the immediate development of a strategy and a treasury plan are indispensable to manage cash as a part of the business continuity risk.
We have developed a service-product that we have called Financial-Restructure o New Roles of the Treasury Area. Such a product presents the following scope:
- Cash Flow optimizing tools.
- Consequences of not managing accurately the Cash Flow.
- Identifying mechanisms and procedures to preserve liquidity through the following actions:
- Analysis of accounts receivable to generate a fiscal recovery strategy.
- Analysis and restructuring of costs to determine possible reductions and assess the impact of new expenditures that are related with the costs of goods sold.
- Analysis with the results obtained from the Cash Flow optimizing tools to determine the associated risks of thepossible default on debt payment and definition of restructuring strategies.
- Analysis of accounts payable and receivable to define a strategy for collection and payment.
- Analysis of the current personnel, including bonus. Definition of new schemes that should be oriented to improve productivity and the personnel satisfaction (KPIs).
- Risk Management of Treasury.
- Risk identification.
- Response to risk.
- Divestment strategies – Business divisions that no longer coincide with the corporate strategy. Selling the whole business or just a part of it.
- Development of different financial scenarios.
- Business Financial Planning vs Business Growing – resources optimizing.
- Suppliers payment strategy – Faster payment to key and small suppliers to assure product availability if demand recovers.